How Long do Dental Veneers Last?

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Patients with cosmetic dental issues have a few options for correcting them. They can opt for individual treatments, such as orthodontics or teeth whitening. Alternatively, they can choose to get dental veneers. This option is relatively simple, and is much less costly and time consuming.

In addition to being quick, effective, and cost effective, dental veneers can also last a very long time. If treated correctly, they can remain on the teeth for fifteen years. Fortunately, treating your veneers correctly is very easy. Patients are instructed to care for their veneers just like their natural teeth. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and not using your teeth for anything they shouldn’t be. Of course, this also includes visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleaning, perhaps more often than before.

If you do not want a permanent addition to the smile such as this option, there may be a few other choices for you. For example, Lumineers are a type of dental veneer that can be removed if needed. This can be discussed with our veneers dentist at a consultation appointment. You can schedule one at our Los Angeles office today.

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